WordPress Menu


Navigation menus allow you to present a site structure to your users. They help users find information and browse through different sections of your website. Since navigation menus are so important, they are usually placed close to the header in most WordPress themes.The location of the menus can vary from theme to theme. Almost all WordPress themes come with at least one menu location. Some WordPress themes come with multiple menu locations to accommodate for more complex websites.

Navigation Menus in WordPress

WordPress comes with a navigation menu system that makes it quite easy for beginner users to create and manage menus.

Creating Your First Custom Navigation Menu

You can create menus in WordPress by visiting Appearance » Menus in your WordPress admin area.

Menus are located under Appearance in WordPress admin area

This will bring you to the Edit Menus screen which is divided into two columns. The column on your left has your pages, categories, and custom links tab. The column on the right is where you add and adjust menu items.

Creating menus in WordPress

Let’s create the first custom navigation menu.

Provide a name for your menu, e.g. ‘My First Menu’ and then click on the create menu button. This will expand the menu area, and it will look like this:

Newly created empty custom navigation menu in WordPress

As you can see in the screenshot, this site has three theme locations labeled primary, secondary, and social. The location names and placements vary from theme to theme.

Next, you need to select the pages you want to add to the menu. You can do this by selecting the pages listed on the left-hand side and clicking on Add to Menu button.

Selecting and adding items to custom navigation menu in WordPress

After adding pages to the menu, select the theme location where you want to display the menu and click on the ‘Save Menu’ button.

Selecting a theme location for the menu

Arranging Items in a Custom Navigation Menu

You probably noticed that each menu item you added is arranged in the order you added them. You can easily rearrange your WordPress menu items in any order you want. Simply drag and drop a menu item to adjust its position in the menu.

Drag and drop menu items to rearrange their position

Repeat the process to create new menus for other theme locations.

Creating Nested Drop-Down Menus in WordPress

Nested menus, also known as drop-down menus, are navigational menus with parent and child menu items. These menus are usually styled by WordPress themes in such a way that when a user takes their mouse to a parent item, all their sub-menus are displayed.

Preview of nested menu items

Creating nested menus allow you to add a properly structured navigation system to your site. Here is how you can add a menu item as a sub-menu in WordPress.

In your menu structure, drag the menu item just below the parent item. Next, slightly drag the menu item to the right. You will notice that it will automatically become a sub-menu item.

Creating nested menus with sub-menu items

You can add multiple layers of sub-items to create deeply nested navigation menus. However, it’s important to note that not all themes support multi-layer nested menus.

Sub-menus with their own child menu items

Deleting a Menu Item

  1. Locate the menu item that you want to remove in the menu editor window
  2. Click on the arrow icon in the top right-hand corner of the menu item/box to expand it.
  3. Click on the Remove link. The menu item/box will be immediately removed.
  4. Click the Save Menu button to save your changes.