Top 5 WordPress Contact Form Plugins

1) Ninja Forms

Ninja Forms is a freemium plugin which enables easy implementation of contact forms for WordPress. The name of the plugin itself states that you can create some pretty good contact forms with very little effort using the Ninja Forms plugin.


  1. Ninja Forms is free to use and test on your WordPress blog. Even the additional add-ons for the plugin come with a 14-day money back guarantee.
  2. You can download the plugin from the official WordPress repository. The plugin also supports various language options apart from English. This helps in engaging with the users in their native language.
  3. Ninja Forms also offers premium extensions which would help you to extend the functionality of your contact forms such as Freshbooks, Campaign Monitor, SMS notifications, Salesforce and much more.
  4. There is also an interactive community as well as guides, email support, and online documentation to help you with the process of creating highly effective contact forms for your website.



The plugin is available for free but, the extensions are not. Each add-on costs from $29 to $129 which is a little pricey for a newbie to buy. There isn’t much difference if we compare the features of Personal and Professional pack of the plugin but the difference in price is a big $100.

2) Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms is a paid contact form plugin for WordPress.


  1. Gravity Forms comes power packed with majorly all the necessary features that one needs for creating stunning online forms.
  2. It can be used to create quizzes, surveys, web directory and even user submitted content. You can accomplish any type of form using Gravity Forms on your WordPress website. For extended functionality, you can download the additional add-ons provided for the plugin.
  • Gravity Forms comes with a premium support with options like forums, knowledge base, online documentation, FAQs and email support. Due to this unmatched support, you can never get stuck while creating forms for your website. It is best for websites using premium WordPress themes.


  1. Gravity Forms is a paid plugin, and thus, it would be difficult for a newbie to use it initially.

3) Pirate Forms

Pirate Forms is an excellent option for a newbie to create simple contact forms for their website.


  1. Pirate Form is a free plugin. The plugin is completely free with no additional cost on upgrades.
  2. Using Pirate forms, you can also implement a CAPTCHA on your website. This is an important feature to filter out bot registrations and malicious contacts. It also provides the option to send emails via SMTP.


The plugin is only meant for simple contact forms and doesn’t offer advanced functionalities such as payment integrations, subscription forms, etc.

4) Contact Form 7

Contact Form 7 is one of the oldest contact form plugins for WordPress.


  1. Contact Form 7 is a free contact form plugin which means that you can use it on countless websites.
  2. The plugin supports several third-party plugins that in some way act as the add-on plugins for Contact Form 7. Most of these are also available for free.


Even though it is a free plugin, the interface of the plugin is not so simple, and it will take time for a complete newbie to understand it before making a decent contact form.

5) Formidable Pro

Formidable Pro is a premium WordPress plugin for developing amazing contact forms in no time.



  1. Formidable Pro is more than just a regular form builder. On its official site, it claims that you can create a form using Formidable Pro within 2 minutes.
  2. The interface of the plugin is simple and even a complete newbie would be able to make decent contact forms without much hassle.


Being a premium plugin, the lowest package starts from $49 with add-ons sold separately; it can be a bit pricey for a newbie who wants to create simple contact forms for their website.