Text Functions

Excel Text Functions Table–

Functions to Remove Extra Characters
CLEAN Removes all non-printable characters from a supplied text string
TRIM Removes duplicate spaces, and spaces at the start and end of a text string
Functions to Convert Between Upper & Lower Case
LOWER Converts all characters in a supplied text string to lower case
PROPER Converts all characters in a supplied text string to proper case (i.e. letters that do not follow another letter are upper case and all other characters are lower case)
UPPER Converts all characters in a supplied text string to upper case
Cutting Up & Piecing Together Text Strings
CONCATENATE Joins together two or more text strings
LEFT Returns a specified number of characters from the start of a supplied text string
MID Returns a specified number of characters from the middle of a supplied text string
RIGHT Returns a specified number of characters from the end of a supplied text string
Information Functions
FIND Returns the position of a supplied character or text string from within a supplied text string (case-sensitive)
Returns the position of a supplied character or text string from within a supplied text string (non-case-sensitive)