Enabling Buttons App

Create you Own Android App-2


1- Launch  App Inventor by going to the link below-


2- Log in to your student e-mail account or  any gmail account.

3- Create your new project by clicking Project>>New.

4- Name the project “Button”.

5- From the user interface palette, drag a Label component and two Button components onto the Viewer.

6- In the Components column, rename the components lblMessage, btnStart, btnStop respectively.

7-In the properties column, edit the Components BackgroundColor, TextColor, FontSize, and Text properties so they resemble the screenshot below:


8- Next, in properties column, uncheck the btnStop  component’s Enabled property to change its default state.

9- Launch the Blocks editor.

10-Click the button component drawers in turn and drag btnStop.Click and btnStart.Click blocks onto the viewer.

11- Snap set lblMessage.text, set btnStart.Enabled, and set btnStop.Enabled blocks into both of the Button’s .click blocks on the viewer.

12- Now snap “  “ basic text blocks into the set lblMessage.Text blocks and assign appropriate Label text values- reflecting a running or stopped state. Your blocks should resemble the screen below:

13- Run the application in emulator or a device and tap the buttons to see their attached behaviors.