Canvas App

Create you Own Android App-7


1- Launch App Inventor by going to the link below-

2- Log in to your student e-mail account or any Gmail account

3- Create your new project by clicking Project>>New.

4- Name the project “Canvas”.

5- From the Drawing and animation palette, drag a Canvas component and from the user interface palette drag a button onto the Viewer.

6- In the Components column, rename the components canBullseye and btnDraw respectively.

7-In the properties column, edit the Components BackgroundColor, TextColor, FontSize, and Text properties so they resemble the screenshot below:

8-Launch the Blocks editor and add the following event handler-

9- Run the application on an emulator or connected device to see a bulls eye drawn on the canvas when the draw button is clicked.

Challenge- Try to insert one more color in the bulls eye.